Dancing Robots

This week in retrospect:
Rea decided that she won't go to bed without crying. We thought it was the darkness, but now I think that it must be the fact that Sara doesn't go to bed at the same time as her. We got her a night light, but it didn't help.

She also decided that she wanted to play hide and seek with Jesus on Sunday. It was pretty cute.

We picked grapes and made grape juice on Saturday.

We carved pumpkins on Monday.

We also made some pizzas: eggplant parmesan pizza, and bacon sausage five cheese pizza. Both were good.

My bike is finally working again. It had gotten so many goat heads I thought it was dead for good. Hopefully these new tire liners will work.

My card game is still moving along (however slowly). I have some guys online testing it, and two now have said that they have played games. No-one has written a summary of their thoughts yet.

I am also thinking of doing NaGaDeMon (National Game Design Month) this year insted of NaNo. Perhaps December 1st will mark the dawn of a new era of peace between board gaming and Dancing Robots.

Is it just me, or does my pumpkin look like a Jagermonster?


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