
I went through all of the cards in Polynesia and updated them to the new layout. It is apparently possible to make all of the cards have a larger image and smaller text areas without changing the rules on the cards or decreasing the font size. Here is a gallery of the cards.

The guy who helped me to rework the cards decided that his work was done (probably more because of the fact that I didn't tell him why I was regenerating all of the cards (I was really worried that some card's text wouldn't fit in the small box, so I had to make sure of that before I could continue making other changes) than because he thought that the cards were actually up to snuff), so now I have to try to push on without him and see if I can finish making the cards look better.

That last paragraph was a single sentence with a lot of parenthetical phrases in it... Pretty much true to my style.

Alison and I have been talking about making a family motto. The impetus for this decison was that I pointed out to her on Sunday that all of the cool families had mottos. Our brainstorming session produced one that seems promising, but unfortunately I left it at home, so I might have some of the words wrong (though none of the meanings): "Virtue, Family, Thoughtfulness, Learning". We also considered what our family crest would be (if we had one). We are thinking that the background would be a Flasque (perhaps purple and green), and the foreground would be a Nightingale holding a white rose in its talons. The nightingale symbolizes family, virtue, intelligence, and poetry (which is a bonus, really), the Flasque symbolizes virtue, and the rose symbolizes familial love. We are considering having a scroll with the four words in Latin around the shield (the Latin would be for coolness, not for functionality.)

Additionally, the Latin word for virtue also means manliness and virility. I am not quite sure why.

Andrea has started to look forward to Halloween. She wants to go as a ladybug. She likes to wear her costume around every so often. She is now able to properly use pronouns, and she also can play Hi Ho Cherry-O and count out four apples without our help. We found her a cute bear eared hoodie, which she likes. She is doing well. On Sunday she took a pepper that we got from the extra produce table at church and bit into it. It was hot, and she didn't like it. For about 10 minutes things were pretty rough.

I think that Sara has decided that 'hungry' means 'want'. She has a specific grunt that we translate as 'hungry', but she uses it to tell us that she wants food, and also that she wants to play the kissy game. Usually she is really happy and easy to get along with, but sometimes she is fussy as well. When she is fussy she has this really angry face some times when she is about to bite something - I need to catch it on video or something.

We made a faux goat parmesan this weekend. It is going to be about 4 lbs, and should be amazing. Nothing went wrong with the creation process. Expect to hear more about it mid July of next year.

I am afraid that I won't have a NaNo offering this year. I just can't come up with a story (my creative juices are channeled into my card game right now.)

We also bought a card game entitled 'Dragonology: Hatch' which ended up being Rummy+. It was moderately fun. I doubt that I will bring it to a family get together, though.

Final note: goat milk ice cream. Have we finally discovered what manna was?


  1. As "the guy" who was providing (some - I certainly hope not all) input to the development of the Polynesia cards... the reason I stopped was not because you "didn't tell [me] why [you] were regenerating all of the cards" but because it was clear my ideas arond the final layout did not match yours. And this is not a bad thing! Each of us has a different take on what we think works, and we need to express it in our own way. The game must end up being something you are proud of - and I will certainly be trying out in that form.

  2. Before your comments I haven't dedicated a large block of time to just working on the visual aspect of the cards. They sort of just grew organically into what they were.

    People would make a comment like 'it would be nice if they had a picture to differentiate them' or 'what we need is colors for each deck so that we can more easily divide them back up' and I would add that one feature.

    You, on the other hand made a lot of design comments that were all reasonable and well thought out. No-one had done that before, and as I am not really that visual I decided to go with it. If someone hadn't done that the visual aspect of the cards would have continued to shift in a better direction, but it wouldn't have gone so fast.


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