Goose Game

Alison has been on an alternative sleep schedule since Monday this week. She has been sleeping 4.5 hours each night, and taking three 20 minute naps during the day. According to her research, it takes a few weeks to adjust to the new schedule, and after that she should feel normal again. On the first two days she felt pretty much normal, but Thursday and Friday she has felt sleepy during the day.

She says that after having four children, it isn't anything that she hasn't experienced before, but she is looking forward to the adjustment period being over. If she isn't feeling normal again by the end of October she is going to go back to normal sleeping for a while to reconsider her plans.

On Tuesday, a new DB technology - Firestore - was announced by google, and Mike is going to use it on the website that he is developing. It addresses some of the concerns that Mike had about the Firebase realtime DB.

On Wednesday Timmy's cast came off. They put his hand into a splint which he is allowed to take off for baths, but which he is supposed to wear at other times for a few weeks.

On Friday we used one of the two redbox codes that we got last Christmas to rent Hidden Figures. We are really bad at watching movies, and this is the first one that sounded interesting since then. We enjoyed the movie. It wasn't inappropriate, and it was uplifting. Perhaps we will watch that Harry Potter universe movie with the other one, but probably we will not remember to do it.

On Saturday we celebrated Rea's birthday. We started with a special breakfast: eggs, sausage, hashbrowns, cider and pancakes. After that Rea and Alison went to a baptism. Marissa Dalyia came over to play in the morning.

After lunch we went canoeing on the Jordan river. We invited the Plastows to go with us (they have the Poulson's old canoe, so they were equipped to go). We ate cake while on the river, and then we hung out in shield park for a while. It was fun.

We met a canadian goose during the trip, but it wouldn't play with us.

After going home Rea built a treehouse in the front yard using some lumber that we had in our shed. We had macaroni and cheese and hotdogs for dinner (Rea's request), and then did our team clean.g


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