The fall comes on little cat feet
On Monday, we had a special treat. Grandma Julie came to town to spend a week at the cabin with her sisters, and we picked her up at the airport and went to the zoo all day. It was wonderful! Grandma said that she should start coming to Utah once a month, spending a day with us and a night with Patty before going home. We would sure love that! It was great to talk and play and see all the animals.
This week Mike has begun getting ready for the Ion Awards again. He has three games this year that he hopes to have ready by December 1st. That is a month earlier than is usual, but he still hopes to have them all ready in time.
He has also been doing more work on the website that he is making in his spare time. It is nearly ready to show off to the board game design community. Perhaps in a few weeks it will be done.
Gideon is working on standing and walking and climbing on everything. This week he learned to stand for much longer at a time and once even picked up a foot while standing. He immediately fell over, but it's progress toward walking! He still likes to climb on tables, chairs, people, and everything else he can find. We're trying to teach him not to climb on the table; he understands no but doesn't always listen. We're also working on not eating small toys; he's our mouthiest baby, but again, he does understand the word no.
Timmy has been inventing animals this week; the latest one was a kind of monkey with wings and a shell. He knows a lot about real animals, too; he's really picking up information at the zoo and from books we read and retaining and using it very well. It's so fun to see him get more mature.
Sara was cleaning up very well this week. She's still in a very helpful phase, running to get things for parents. We love having her help.
Rea loves to take care of Gideon. She wants to carry him and unbuckle his car-seat and feed him and play with him. It's very nice for Alison, especially when she naps. Rea is very good to help Gideon stay happy for 20 minutes if he's awake during Alison's nap.
Alison has been doing well with her new sleeping schedule, so on Friday Mike decided to follow her example. He will take three naps during the day, and sleep 3.5 hours at night. This is, of course assuming that he can get into that sleeping schedule in a month or so. So far he is nearly 24 hours into the new schedule, and isn't really all that tired. Alison has said that it gets worse before it gets better, so this upcoming week or two might be interesting.
Saturday Alison went through all the Montessori shelves and rearranged them. She put a lot of stuff that we're not using away so that the kids could use the tallest bookshelf to stand and work at when they don't want Gideon to reach their works. We'll see how it goes this week. If the kids love it, we might install the Ikea desks that mount to the wall at standing height for the girls and let them work there.
Finally, on Saturday we ate our first home grown king oyster mushrooms from Mike and Sheila's mushroom log birthday present to me. Now both of their logs have produced mushrooms. We had the first ones in an excellent quiche. They tasted very good.
We also finished "The Castle in the Air", and started "The Wee Free Men" this week.
This week Mike has begun getting ready for the Ion Awards again. He has three games this year that he hopes to have ready by December 1st. That is a month earlier than is usual, but he still hopes to have them all ready in time.
He has also been doing more work on the website that he is making in his spare time. It is nearly ready to show off to the board game design community. Perhaps in a few weeks it will be done.
Timmy has been inventing animals this week; the latest one was a kind of monkey with wings and a shell. He knows a lot about real animals, too; he's really picking up information at the zoo and from books we read and retaining and using it very well. It's so fun to see him get more mature.

Rea loves to take care of Gideon. She wants to carry him and unbuckle his car-seat and feed him and play with him. It's very nice for Alison, especially when she naps. Rea is very good to help Gideon stay happy for 20 minutes if he's awake during Alison's nap.

Saturday Alison went through all the Montessori shelves and rearranged them. She put a lot of stuff that we're not using away so that the kids could use the tallest bookshelf to stand and work at when they don't want Gideon to reach their works. We'll see how it goes this week. If the kids love it, we might install the Ikea desks that mount to the wall at standing height for the girls and let them work there.
Finally, on Saturday we ate our first home grown king oyster mushrooms from Mike and Sheila's mushroom log birthday present to me. Now both of their logs have produced mushrooms. We had the first ones in an excellent quiche. They tasted very good.
We also finished "The Castle in the Air", and started "The Wee Free Men" this week.
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