The Emeritus Eagles

On Tuesday we went to the ward trunk or treat and chili cook off. The kids enjoyed visiting all of the cars, and we all had a good time. The chili and the company both were good.

Also on Tuesday Timmy told Mike and Alison that he was an emeritus eagle. It took a while to figure it out, but he meant American.

On Wednesday we went over to Scott and Sheila's house. Mike was showing Scott the ins and outs of the laser cutter, and the whole family came over too. It was fun to talk to them. Sheila has an idea for a website for Mike to make. It sounds like a good idea, and perhaps it will be lucrative too.

On Friday, Sara and Timmy both started throwing up. They felt better by Saturday, and then on Saturday Alison and Gideon started showing symptoms of a cold. We are not sure if we just have two independent sicknesses going through the house at the same time, or if they are related. Either way, the cold is lasting much longer than the vomiting.

Mike and Alison have continued their new sleeping schedule this week. Mike feels pretty much normal, but Alison changed her schedule to accommodate being up in the night at the same time as Mike, and she is now struggling to readjust.

Gideon has also decided to change his sleeping habits. He never wants to sleep at the same time as Alison and Mike any more. It has been a bit of a challenge.

On some day this week Gideon stood up, took one step and then grabbed on to Alison. He hasn't walked farther than that yet, but it is a start.

Rea and Sara did a lot of cooking this week. They made corn bread for the chili cook-off, and helped to prepare multiple of our meals.

Rea wants us to add that Timmy and Sara stayed up late last night, and kept her up. Hopefully that doesn't continue.

Finally, Mike is getting ready for Extra Life, which is a charity fundraiser for the primary children's hospital. If you are interested in participating (via a donation, or by playing board/video games on Mike's team) you can learn more here. We will be playing games November 11th for "24 hours" (I won't likely actually play the whole time since I have a family, but some people from the team will be).


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