Not to have anything planned

On Tuesday the kids and Alison went up to Nature Group, which was not at silver lake this time, so they didn't have to deal with snow. It was at a pond, and the kids did a nature scavenger hunt. They had fun looking at minnows and quacking like ducks.

That evening, Mike brought his game to the BGDG to have it played in order to try for guild approval this week. It was found wanting. The rule document was not up to snuff. He will certainly work on it some time before the end of the year, and try again.

Wednesday Alison went to writing group, and wrote her first draft of her first chapter of her book. She is rewriting it with the eventual goal of making it publishable. It went well.

On Thursday we didn't have anything planned at all, so we built a fire, and after the kids went to bed we played a game of The Madness Place (one of Mike's board games). It was nice to not have anything planned for once.

Friday we had a babysitter and went to a play. It was "Forever Dead" at the OBT. It was pretty fun and funny. They had some good singers, and they made some fun songs. We really like the OBT. Alison says "At this time in my life, I like funny plays better than serious ones. I have enough serious stuff to deal with in real life."

We came home and found that the kids were all still up and watching a movie.

Saturday and Sunday were General Conference. We watched all the sessions from home this time, and the kids loved having the reverence tent set up. The kids were not very reverent this time, though they were listening. Fortunately Conference is available in mp3 format, and we can just listen to it whenever we want to. That might be the only way to get the info from some of the talks.

Gideon has started mimicking all sorts of words this week. Among other words, he said Jesus, which was part of getting candy during General Conference. He is also standing independently for short time periods. Perhaps walking is on its way.

Timmy's cast is coming off this upcoming week, and he loves wrestling and helping. He is also taking gentleness classes so that he doesn't wrestle so vigorously with his brother.

Sara really likes being helpful, and is still working on her reading. She can read the word princess without any help.

Rea is still reading voraciously, and is fascinated by deep sea creatures right now. Mike thinks that perhaps she will grow up to be a lawyer, because she is regularly asking people if they said exactly what they meant, and taking them at exact face value.

Alison is really excited to start a new sleep schedule. She is thinking about taking three naps during the day, and sleeping for fewer hours at night. We will keep you posted as to how it works.

Mike is still working on his website, and games. He also just started programming a fractal generator for the first time in 6ish years.


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