the death of some things, the birth of others

Last week was an interesting one. I learned about a special deal that Artscow was offering that would allow me to print my cards up and see what they would look like (however they would all have identical backs, and that is not something that I really want) I considered that for a few days, but I think that I will hold off for a bit longer. I want to make sure that Ryan doesn't give me a lot of feedback that will change the game right after I get a printing made.

I got to see Ryan on Saturday in between sessions of general conference (I loved Uchdorf's talks. They were both great). I dropped off a copy of the game with him (hopefully he gives some good feedback, and comes up with ways to simplify the game.)

I played some games of Loot with various family members. It was fairly popular. I like the team aspect of it (4 vs 4 is super fun), but the randomness of the deal is a little annoying (there is the possibility of getting all merchant ships, and you can't win when that happens)

We opened up a derby cheese this last weekend. It ended up tasting pretty mild (perhaps as strong as a mild cheddar). it was "2 lbs" which means that I used "2 gallons" of milk to make it (I use quotation marks because I neither weighed it, nor measured the milk when I was making the cheese.) We had the derby ageing for three months. I wonder what a 6 month derby would taste like. We used the derby so far for eating as a sliced cheese, I have added it to a sandwitch, and we have grated it over a pizza.
Speaking of pizza, when I went over to pick up Ryan, one of his uncles was over, and he is opening up a catering company that makes pizzas. They had a huge brick oven that was at 1000 degrees, and were making really good pizzas. It made me want to make more pizza, so on Monday we made pizzas for dinner. They were 4 cheese: derby, romano, cheese with fine herbs, and cheddar. we made two of the cheeses ourselves. It ended up pretty good. 
Recently Andrea has been refusing to wear anything but dresses (and her bear suit). It appears that the toddler years have arrived. 
I have also just started a game of "high frontier" with Ryan Hendricks. It is very complicated, but it seems to be an attempt at making an accurate space exploration game. I could imagine playing it again - it is pretty fun so far.
This last weekend we also played a few games of dominion. Dave won every time I think (though perhaps Emil won once). I am really tempted to pick up a copy intrigue right now so that I can play dominion without Dave being there (as he has a lot of homework at times).
I also found out that my server is dead for good (though I forgot to pick it up when I went to my parent's house). It seems to have a bad power supply. I suppose that I will have to replace it some time. I am thinking of building a more energy efficient one - fanless, and smaller. If I get that going, I will post about it.
The card game is coming along nicely. I am waiting for more time before I declare it done, but perhaps I will release a version of the vassal module online and see what response it gets in the wild.


  1. You have the cutest little girl! LOVE the bear suit and LOVE the sleeping mid-tea party.

    Also... Dave will be done with school in one month and will be far more available to play games ;)

  2. ha i agree I love her! expeshially the last pic, she is such a firecracker


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