High Frontier

This weekend was Easter, and what better thing to do for Easter than make a 4 lb derby cheese? We started early in the morning, and by 3:00 it was in the final stage of pressing (50 lbs, 24 hrs). With the cheese pressing we left for the Poulson's house to see Katie and Josh for the first time in a while. We had a dinner there, and played a game of Willow. The good guys won (that means that the game took a long time)

I made a post on a message board about my card game, and while I was at the Poulson's I noticed that some people had commented on it. People have been reading the rules and providing good feedback.

Ryan Hendricks has introduced me to a game called High Frontier. It is surprisingly difficult, but also very fun. The first game I got a horribly inefficient rocket (but a fast one) and won because I had taken over a huge number of asteroids. This game I have not been so lucky. I have a very efficient ship, but I have to plod along and have failed on almost all of my prospecting rolls.

Andrea is (it seems) becoming a toddler (or entering her terrible twos). She is learning words at such an accelerated rate, but she is also fussing about everything, and telling us 'No!' all the time. She still loves tea parties, and likes to reenact the story of when pooh got stuck.

My bike is causing me some trouble. I opened up the rear axle/cartridge unit and found that four of the 18 ball bearings are misshappen. I will have to figure out how to fix it some time - perhaps tonight.


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