Oh wow, man: Fractals!

Today was the last day of the SLC book sale. Since we are trying to find more room in our house (to prepare for the new baby), we almost did not go. In the end we decided to go, and we got one bag of books. It was rainy, but we got a good parking spot, so it worked out OK.

This past week I have spent more time working on Dave's website - it is nearly done.

I played some UnNethack. In my current game I am a lawful human monk. I have a bag of holding, a magic whistle, 4 pet dragons, a pet master mind flayer, a magic lamp, and a cloak of magic resistance. One of my dragons died and did not leave a set of scales, so I revived him with a wand of raise dead and he was still tame.  Currently I am hallucinating because I was starving to death in the gnomish mines (and my vegetarian diet prevented me from chowing down on all the tasty gnomes) so I ate a yellow fungus that I found lying on the ground.

Andrea has been starting to make more complex sentences recently. Just the other day (when Alison said to her "here is your coat") she said "brown coat... also brown pants". At the time she was looking at a brown coat, and wearing brown pants. She is willing to wear pants again (though only some times).

As we have a front loading clothes washer, she likes to watch the clothes washer spin around, and spin around herself. She also has started to play tag (or 'chase' as she calls it.) Rusty is pretty obliging, and Alison and I get co-opted int games every so often.

We painted the purple room light blue on Saturday as well. We started to move stuff out of it so that we could set it up as a baby room (however we have way too much stuff.) Hopefully we can figure out where to put it all.


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