Everything but Yul Brynner

This week I started up a genetic algorithm that is supposed to learn how to play dominion well. As of yet I haven't even got to the part where it could even play a game of dominion, however I hope to do that soon.

This last weekend we cleaned up, and then fired up the grill that Alison found for me. We cooked (and burnt horribly) some hot dogs on Saturday, and also cooked up some pizzas with Sheila and Scott Sunday afternoon.

Pizzas on the grill ended up being pretty good, though they were thicker than I would have liked. Sheila brought over some orange bell peppers that added a nice flavor, and we used some spicy pepperoni from Cys Market (which was great). One of the pizzas was curry flavored, one was a 4 meats pizza, one was veggie, and the other was a little of everything.

Scott and I played some dominion. He defeated me by a large margin with a better deck the first time (He just had more golds than I did - it is not like we played that different a strategy), and I defeated him with a torture chain the second game (I got to play torturers nearly every turn, which really ate into his hand size and gave him curses when he refused to be parted with his cards.)

Mom and Dad came over on Saturday and visited. It was fun to see them. Dad pointed out that some of the grape vines that I had written off as dead actually survived the spring snows :). Now I will have to figure out what to do with them.

We are starting to turn our back yard into a shady forest spot. Since both Alison and I both like forests, and we have control over the yard, we figure that we should take advantage of the possibility of more trees. We have chosen to look at trees that grow well in this environment (so we are right now letting any volunteer trees continue to grow, and see if we like where they grow, and what they look like.) It might be that when we get goats they will kill all of the young trees in the yard, but perhaps they will be strong enough by that time to keep alive.

Andrea has begun to conjugate verbs. That is fun. She also decided that 'you' refers to herself (even when she is saying it). She used to use it properly, but perhaps she decided that she must have been using it improperly and changed over to her current usage. Perhaps I will engineer sentences to illustrate how 'you' should be used - something like

"Mom, do *you* want some more water"
"Yes *I* want more water"

And then ask Andrea the same question. if she responds with 'you', I will give myself more water and repeat.


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