More Intrigue

I invited people over to play intrigue on Saturday, but only one person showed up. Dave and I had a pretty good time - two games that took less than 2 hours. The new cards are pretty interesting. I look forward to our next family dinner where I can bring it out and we can play some more.

On Saturday we also cleaned out the baby room and got it to the point where we can start to put baby things into it. Perhaps we will build the crib again this week.

We also rearranged the food storage. It is amazing how much you can fit into your house if you want to.

A little while back Alison got me an old barbecue. We are planning on getting it fixed up and trying it out this weekend. We will have to buy some meat and some watermelon and have a lunch or dinner outside.

I have not gotten much done in terms of the card game recently. I have played a game here and there, but I have mostly been doing other things.

The new version of Unnethack has proven to be harder than the old one. I have been trying to beat it, but as of yet I have mostly been killing my characters one at a time.

Also, It seems that 42 Earths is 'ended'. Loren's wife had a baby recently, Jae's wife is due soon, and then after that we are having one. If in august anyone wants to start back up we might come back, but I think that it is possible that we wont. It was a fun world while it lasted.

I have also been tempted to play dominion online. The only thing that would stop me is that I don't have an internet connection at home. It is possible through that site to play with only the cards in the sets that you own, so I could play against people using only the stuff that I want to get good with.


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