
When I arrive home last night, there was a package waiting for me. It ended up being from Dave and Amy - they were thanking me for helping get Dave's website up and running.

I opened it right away, and it was a copy of Dominion: Intrigue. :)

I have wanted this game for a few months since it works as a standalone game as well as an expansion for Dominion (which as I have written multiple times: I really enjoy). I really should get together a game night some time soon.

I made Swee go out with me and buy card protectors. I also secretly bought her her final birthday gift (she probably saw me carrying it, but perhaps she did not know what it was for).

It was a good day.


  1. Glad you liked it! I was worried you were going to buy it yourself after your last post on it (we had already gotten it for you and had it sitting in Logan's room). So I texted Alison to encourage you not to get it.

    We can't wait to try it out with you! Dave's a little jealous you have all the new cards.

    1. I think that it will be awesome to play with more cards (and potentially more players) Thanks Amy!


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