The Alien, the Gun, and Diablo
I have updated Polynesia (my card game's working name). It is now available for all to download online. I am going to be bringing it to the family dinner this weekend, so hopefully everyone will have read the new rules before then (it is just a 4 page read, and a lot of it is the strategy and god description). Here are the links: Rules , Card Descriptions , Printout . Feel free to share them around - I am fine with anyone seeing everything in them. Our microwave oven recently died. I don't really know why, but perhaps it is because I bought it at the DI 3+ years ago. We also ate about 10 lbs of cherries in about a week. Perhaps this weekend we will make another cheese. If so, I will report on its progress. Since my MSV release, I have been mostly reading. I have started 'I shall wear midnight' by Pratchett. It is not really as good as his books usually are. If this had been the first book that I read of his I would likely not have read any more. I realize that ...