Broken Bike, Working Car.
Ever since Mike got the printer fixed the kids have been demanding more and more 3d printed toys. He got all of his parts for his games printed, and is now printing pokemon, pachyderms and princesses. Both Mike's and Alison's teaching has remained quite busy. Alison even has one of her students trying to get all of the classes that they will miss while we are in Italy scheduled during the upcoming week. We will see how well that works. Alison and the kids went to Thanksgiving Point. We heard that there are no field trips to Thanksgiving Point on Monday mornings, so it's the least crowded time of the week. We usually meet some homeschool friends there. This week we played in the water erosion exhibit (a sand and water table) and then rode ponies at the farm. This week our homeschool schedule stopped working. This happens about every 6-8 weeks, and Alison usually enjoys coming up with a new one. But this time she was really hoping it would last one more week until we l...