2 for the price of 1

Apparently we forgot to write last week. This post will cover both weeks. Last week everyone got better from their sicknesses (except Gideon, who was still a little bit sick, but also much better). By now he is pretty much the rest of the way better. Last week and this week we wrapped Christmas presents. We have a few more to wrap, but we are mostly done. Mike has been working on the rule books of his games in anticipation of sending them in to the Ion Award again. Hopefully he gets them done in time. If anyone wants to help, feel free to volunteer. The 3d printer has been broken for a long time, but last Saturday I fixed it, so it is working again. Alison has begun doing Montessori again (for the past two weeks). They have been doing it pretty much every day, and are enjoying it a lot. The kids watched a few episodes of My Little Ponies as Sara's date, and then they were all terrified (except Timmy). Sara won't go to the bathroom by herself since then, which is rea...