A bad week for morels

This last week we hunted morels many days. We found a few, but not nearly as many as we should have. It wasn't a good year for them I guess. We did have a fun time wandering around in the woods, and we saw some pretty cool parks in the process.

We have also been reading the last unicorn recently. The kids like it, and wonder what will happen.

Thursday Mike went to Bgdg, and presented his game. It was pretty good, however they didn't really give a lot of feedback this time. He has some ideas anyway, so hopefully good things come of it.

On Friday we went to a play at the obt. It was A lad 'n his Magic Lamp. It was funny, and there were many memorable characters in it.

On Saturday Alison mentioned that she wanted a place to store the bikes not under the car port, so mike started building a bike shed. It came out alright. The kids bikes at least fit under it, and it was made entirely out of things that we had around the house, so that was good.

Alison's birthday presents also started arriving this week, so we are getting ready for her birthday later in the month.

Sunday started as a pretty laid back day, but after church we went to a game night at Caitlin and Sal's house, and played lots of games with them and the Ford family. We had a barbecue, and then we played Castle Panic, Sushi go, and Flatline. It was really fun.

Monday Mike stayed home from work to hunt more morels, but we didn't find many at all. We did, however discover a bunch of huge currant bushes which we will visit later in the year - we just have to remember to go back to the park from June to September (because it is impossible to know when they will ripen unless you know exactly which cultivar they are).

Perhaps we will invite Amy and Dave to pick them with us because they are pretty close to their house.

We also went on a hike in the evening and saw a tiny irrigation stream, a bunch of huge scrub oak, and lots of phlox and wild sweet peas. We sat down and each wrote a haiku, and then we went back home.

Here are the results:

Leaves are many shapes
Bugs like to lay eggs on them
They are hardworking

Honking overhead
Chirping off in the distance
Water over rocks

Beautiful places
There was even some green there
It must be the spring

Look at the flowers
Yellow, blue, orange, purple
It must be the spring

Lying on the ground,
I saw a dead log down there
But there were still leaves

These feathers I like
And all the pretty rocks too
The leaves are bright green


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