Butterfly Princess and Rea's Wedding Dress

To start this blog post out, Gideon told me that I could dictate and he would type up what I say. See if you can interpret this:


The answer is: "Booey has picked a new nickname". This happened a few weeks ago, but we didn't report it when it happened since it seemed like a passing fancy, but she has stuck with it, so she is now known as "Butterfly Princess". When asked what that name means she says that she is a butterfly that is also a princess, so it isn't just a human princess that has a butterfly theme.

This week aunt Sheila finished Rea's dress for uncle Dan's wedding. It is blue, with gold lace over the skirt, and Rea thinks that it is very pretty. Sheila showed it to us over marco polo. the kids are calling clothes for the wedding wedding clothes by the way, so that makes this Rea's wedding dress

You might recall that for Christmas Alison got a whole house humidifier. We have been using it since then, but Rea noticed recently that there was condensation around her windows and then that some mold was growing in the corner of her room, so apparently we had it set too high. We searched to see if there was any other mold and also turned the humidifier down to prevent this from happening in the future.

On Monday CC was interesting because Mike went with the kids. Mike didn't know what to do because Alison usually brings them. The other parents helped a bit but it was mostly the kids that helped Mike. We all got to play musical instruments since someone came over to it to show them to the kids. They had brass instruments, wind instruments and string instruments. Some of the instruments included a trumpet (brass), a cello (string), and a flute (wind).

On Wednesday we had a sleep over with the Plastow kids. They stayed up pretty much all night. (just about midnight.) Timmy and Logan were playing a "weird game where they were fish" but there was a man who was trying to turn them into sushi, and he had bought live fish to make it. Logan was a crab and Timmy was a lobster, so technically they were crustaceans, not fish.

Timmy notes that Dustin and Sara wouldn't let anyone sleep in the fort that they had built, but that Rea was telling them all a story about a dragon and how they had to ride a cow because they thought that "danger" meant "cow", and they had to ride on a cow to find a cow .

On Friday Alison and some of the kids went to the optometrist to see if any of them needed glasses.

Gideon says that the optometrist was terrible, and that she didn't even show them letters and didn't even give them glasses. He adds that at least he got to play dragon box numbers. He then told me to take a picture of him being angry about the optometrist and add it to the blog. Here it is:

Timmy thinks it was very fun and that they showed him what his eyes looked like, and they also shined lights in his eyes.

Alison needed stronger glasses, so we have ordered them. On Monday Mike will take the remainder of the kids to the optometrists so we will see if they need them (or if Mike does.)

Saturday we went shopping and Gideon also wanted me to take a picture of his climbing a pole.


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