
Showing posts from January, 2025

Everybody loves Jello

Last Sunday Grandpa Mike have the kids rocks and arrowheads to sell. They are excited to try and make some money (Timmy wants me to add the following emoji 💰 🤑) Wednesday the kids made a kraken theme park ride, which had lights, a camera and sound system and a moving box when you got attacked by the kraken.  Thursday the trains were delayed, so going to Rea's class was harder than usual. When they got there Rea did a speech about book binding, which went well. Elsa wants to add that Jello is so cute and fluffy and cuddly warm, and Gideon wants to add that he likes to play in a box. Friday we got back our wayward minivan, which hadn't broken down again yet. Friday we went ice skating. Timmy said it was great. We started timidly, however by the end we were all pretty proficient. Timmy made it to the center of the rink, and was happy about that. Elsa borrowed a ice seal that helped her not fall down. They named it sealio. It is sort of like a baby walker. We all had a fun time, ...

In which Timmy writes a poem

We forgot to write last week, so this is a two week post. Despite two weeks having passed, our car is still broken. The mechanic said that the engine block is cracked yesterday, so either we are going to have to do major repairs or just replace the car entirely.  Fortunately we are borrowing Grandpa Mike's truck, so we can still get places if we take multiple trips. Last Saturday we went to the thrift store and saw some Magic the Gathering cards, so Mike bought them and is reselling some of them at a profit. With the remainder the kids have been making decks and playing the game. It has been fun. Timmy's deck is called the Legion and is green and full of lots of creatures Gideon also recently got Henry Stickman, which he likes. Timmy and Gideon have been playing a fun game where they fight a dictator.  Timmy really wants to go home, and he wrote this poem about it. I want to go home: Think about it every day I want to go home.  It is a haiku. Lady night we had home made s...

The Nobility and Kindness of Man

This week we had so many sick people. We just can't seem to get rid of it. Sunday night Rea threw up again (for the last time), but by the morning she was feeling a lot better, so we went out to the hot springs and sat around all day soaking in the warmth. After that Rea, Gideon, Tim, and then Alison got sore throats, so looking back at it, that might not have been the best idea. Gideon's eye also swelled up and was itchy for some reason, but we gave him some antihistamine eyedrops and the swelling went down. Anyway, Tuesday we built Legos for New Year's Eve and watched Lego elf movies. Wednesday was New Year's Day, and we had been invited to Kaitlyn and Sal's house for games, but since everyone was sick we stayed home.  We played Dog Man the board game, which was pretty fun. We liked getting shrink rays and everyone was able to understand the game and enjoy it. On Thursday people were mostly feeling better so we went to Alyssa's birthday party at the waters hou...