In which Timmy writes a poem
We forgot to write last week, so this is a two week post.
Despite two weeks having passed, our car is still broken. The mechanic said that the engine block is cracked yesterday, so either we are going to have to do major repairs or just replace the car entirely.
Fortunately we are borrowing Grandpa Mike's truck, so we can still get places if we take multiple trips.
Last Saturday we went to the thrift store and saw some Magic the Gathering cards, so Mike bought them and is reselling some of them at a profit.
With the remainder the kids have been making decks and playing the game. It has been fun. Timmy's deck is called the Legion and is green and full of lots of creatures
Gideon also recently got Henry Stickman, which he likes.
Timmy and Gideon have been playing a fun game where they fight a dictator.
Timmy really wants to go home, and he wrote this poem about it.
I want to go home:
Think about it every day
I want to go home.
It is a haiku.
Lady night we had home made sushi and tempura. The kids enjoyed it, and said it was good. Mike has learned how to make the rolls better looking.
Rea and Mike did baptisms at the temple, and we baptized some family names, which was nice.
Rea is also doing some interior design and modern art history classes right now, and having a lot of fun.
We also took some photos of the old house to try and get money for the damage that the Sierra Soleil did to our house.
We also had a family dinner last Sunday with the Plastows. The dinner was fun, and we all played together.Mike has banked too much vacation and needs to take time off to not forfeit it. He will be taking a day off every two weeks till we take some real time off.
Rea also went to a quilt show with Amy and saw a quilted jacket that she wanted to replicate. She took some time this weekend, and made it. It looks great.
Sara has also been making slime, and having a lot of fun with it.
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