Mushroom, MUSHROOM!

We got three oyster mushrooms off our mushroom log this last week. They were not scheduled to fruit until this next spring, so apparently we did a good job of growing them. We made a stir fry and added them to it. They had a mild flavor and good texture.

I am thinking of going mushroom hunting this weekend - hopefully some wild mushrooms survived the snow.

In terms of NaNo, I am following my own plan of working only on week days, and getting 2500 words a day (and I am on schedule). That means that I am "OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAND!" (by quite a bit).

Baby andrea may have come down with a cold. She has had a runny nose, and been fussy. It is sad when she is sad.

My card game is coming along nicely. I rewrote the combat again, but this time I am actually happy with it. It seems to slow down the game much less, and still is viable. I hope that this is the last major thing that I have to do.

On average we get through a game in 20-30 minutes (and I am talking about a 4 player game, not a 2 player game). It is pretty good.


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