Cannonballs made from local sand

We failed to blog last weekend. We were on vacation in California.

Not last week but the week before I went to QCON sf  (a technical conference) for work. It was fun and I learned a lot, however it was sad to be gone so long. 

I understand that Alison got along by visiting her mom's house nearly daily.

Perhaps the highlight of the week away was the best sushi I have had in the US. It was at Pabu in San Francisco. Highly expensive, but amazing. 

During our time as a family in San Diego we swam, walked on the beach, played games, and talked a lot. It was good to see the Poulson family. 

I tried to prepare my games for the Ion award.  If anyone is willing to help read my documents to see if they are well written, I would be very appreciative. Here is the one I am most worried about.

A quick update about the children (since we want to go to bed)

Timmy is being insanely cute and needy since we got home.

Rea boogie boarded a lot on the trip.

Sara wants to live at the beach, and is sad to be home.

Finally, on the beach everybody is entitled to one cannonball made from local sand on most days. They are grateful to their government for this handout.


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