Cold is warmer

We missed posting last week, so this post will cover two weeks.

Last weekend we went up to Silver Lake for a hike. We saw a moose in the wild, climbed on rocks and trees, took a nap in the woods, and generally enjoyed ourselves. Timmy really wants to go canoeing on the lake. I can't imagine dragging a canoe up there, but maybe one day...

The kids did really well, and they hardly complained at all.

After going to silver lake, the rest of the week we had a lot of meetings - Alison's calling, Mike's Board game design guild (BGDG), and Alison's writing group each claimed a weeknight.

Mike tried to get his "Grab the Loot" game played with 6 players at BGDG, but there were not enough people there for that to happen. He has been preparing this game for submission to a publisher, and it wants some more playtesting at that player count. He is also trying to fit the game into a mint tin for the mint tin design contest. So far it is fitting, but he will perhaps remove more components anyway.

Mike and the kids played Final Fantasy 5 these last two weeks, and beat it. The kids each had a character that they controlled, and they were really excited to defeat all of the bad guys and save the world.

Mike skipped BGDG this week in order to work on a website that he has been programming on the side. It is a way for playtesters and game designers to get together. It has a bunch of things that it needs to do still to be useful, but the website is coming along nicely. Perhaps in a few weeks he will have something ready for betatesting.

Mike has also been working from home on Wednesdays - his team decided to each work from home for one day a week (even though they don't technically have permission to do so). It is nice not to have to drive in, and to be able to have lunch with the family. Working from home every day is something that is looking better and better to Mike.

On Thursday, Alison and the kids were invited to Briar's birthday party. Sara reports: "We got to watch a movie that was new" Timmy interjected "and it was scary to me!" Sara continues "Well there were a few things, but I don't want to tell you all the things about the birthday party because I am eating." When pressed further, she divulged "My favorite part was the movie."

Rea has been losing teeth as well. She lost her second one this week. She is missing both her middle bottom ones right now, but the replacements are growing in really quickly. Rea reports that they hurt.

Our 8th anniversary also happened this Saturday. During the day we went to the Aquarium as a family. Timmy's favorite part was everything. All of the kids really liked it. It was fun to see how much fun they had.

In the morning we made granola, and the usual cheese (paneer). The cheese making is recently has been changing from an art to a regular thing.

In the evening Mike and Alison got some sushi from a local restaurant. It was pretty good. We found a new favorite roll, and one of the rolls we will not order again.

Today we decided that summer is over. Timmy told me that he wanted to go outside because "cold is warmer, and outside is inside".


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