The surgery and surrounding days

This week Timmy has started drawing things that look more like things than like scribbles. He usually draws people and robots, and they have faces, limbs, heads, and other body parts.

Sheila was gone until Wednesday, so we volunteered to keep babysitting Petra Monday and Tuesday. It's very easy to have her when we're at home; she plays happily with our kids and doesn't take much effort.

Monday we picked up Grandma Julie at the airport and went to the zoo. We always love the zoo. However, this was not the best visit the grown ups have ever had. It was very hot, and Petra would wander away constantly and didn't like to hold hands. We saw the bird show and the elephant show, though, which was great. Rea finally got invited to participate in the bird show; she gave a water bottle to a cockatoo at the beginning so he could drink it and drop it, and then the trained raven picked it up and put it in the recycle bin. Rea has always raised her hand when they asked for volunteers, for years now, and finally she got her chance.

On Tuesday, Alison and the kids went to the first meeting with their new nature group. Someone else organized a group that Alison has been wanting, so she's very happy. They meet at a park and play an observation game. Then the kids split into groups with a couple of adults each and wander in the woods for an hour. At the end, they get together and tell stories of what they saw. It's a lot of fun. Of course, this week we had Petra, so Grandma ended up chasing her around the park while Alison and the big kids hiked. That wasn't so fun for Grandma. But hopefully after this it will be a lot more fun for everyone.

Wednesday in the middle of the day, we took Timmy in for his surgery. It went a few hours, and was fully successful. Timmy has been wearing bandages over his whole arm and leg since then. He is a pretty good trooper, and learning how to use his whole body despite the bandages.

They gave him a doll at the surgery that he named "Timmy", and drew a face on. It was pretty fun for him, and he also liked to drink all the slushy that he could afterward.

Tuesday night Grandma took Alison and the kids swimming at an indoor pool, so that we could show off what we've learned this summer. It was tons of fun and we stayed for hours. Sara showed her amazing swimming skills, and Timmy was suddenly brave to jump out into deep water and let his head go under.

Friday Grandpa Craig arrived and everyone but Mike spent the day at Wheeler Farm. It was a lot of fun. Timmy was feeling enough better that he walked the whole time and barely whined at anything. It's great that he's healing so fast.

Saturday we had a board game party. The only family that came was Kaitlin and Sal (and kids), and we also had Jae Ford and family. The kids ran all around and had a fun time while the parents played games. We got in two games: "Betrayal at the house on the hill", and "Grab the Loot!".

Mike has also finished his first book, and started the process of getting it published through KDP. It is a short book intended to be a humorous self help book on how to be a[n evil] manager. If anyone is interested in giving it a read through, he would put it on sale for $0.99 so that you can give it a try without a "big" expense.


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