The End of Summer

We almost missed writing last week! Here is a quick summary of what happened.

Gideon has graduated to wearing underwear. We are very proud of him, even though he is still wetting the floor.

This last week was the first week of our homeschool. Alison made the girls planners and special school boxes, and they've been enjoying doing school every day. Timmy is very jealous of their stuff, and Gideon wants to be the center of attention during school time, so Alison is still working the kinks out. But everyone is excited for the new school year.

The pool was closing this weekend, so Alison and the kids went swimming every single day. It made for a busy week, but it was very fun. Sara and Rea can both swim independently, and Timmy and Gideon are very brave to play in the water. We enjoyed our pool season immensely. This week we have signed the kids up to start martial arts classes, so maybe that will take its place.

Mike went to the Board Game Design Guild. He played some murder game that was very nonchalant about killing people, but the mechanics worked fairly well.

We played another My Little Pony RPG session on Thursday. Alison's character's insistence on charging into dangerous situations actually helped sometimes during this session. Timmy and Rea and Sara came up with some ideas of what to do as well. Everyone is really enjoying playing an RPG as a family.

The ward picnic was this Saturday. We went to it, ate food, the kids played, the grownups talked. It was good.

On Sunday Mike's phone broke, so he can't get basically any communication unless you send it over email. We hope this will be remedied soon.


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