An awful mix-up

On Monday we saw the Muppets Christmas Carol. They were showing it at the library, and we had never seen it on a big screen before, so it was super fun. 

On one day we all got a big piece of paper and drew pictures together. We had giant underground spiders, castles, bats, lakes of lava, monsters, giants, and many other things.

Mike also forgot to change his address on eBay, so he ordered some presents to the house, and the forwarding request was expired, so some of them went back to the sender. We eventually got them all fixed, but it was sort of annoying.

Wednesday they had a young women's white elephant, and it was also fun 

On Saturday we went to Richfield to attend the funeral of Great Grandma Poulson. It was a long drive, however, the kids are pretty good at driving, so we did well. A lot of people attended, and it was a good funeral.

We picked some walnuts from Great Grandma's house while we were there too, which was fun.

Timmy says that it wasn't even as bad as he thought it would be.

Sara also made slime today for the first time ever successfully.


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