About a Heron or Something Like That
We ended up buying a car the Monday after our last post (which was not last Monday but the Monday before). The car that we bought was the one that magically appeared on our list of cars that we were looking at. Neither Alison nor Michael remembered adding that car to the list, so, we are currently calling the car Magic.
The car we got is a 2013 Honda odyssey, and is working very well for us. We have already installed seat covers because the car has cloth seats (which was one of the reasons why we were considering not buying it).
The day after we bought the car Alison went to Thanksgiving point with her family and the kids and they ended up getting locked out of the car so Mike had to drive the old broken minivan down to get them. It didn't break down during the drive, so that was a blessing.
When they were at Thanksgiving point they went to the butterfly museum and had a lot of fun seeing all of the butterflies.
Mike took Wednesday off and the whole family went to a meeting at Sara's school where she was given an award for being positive.
Mike and Allison went on a date to see the play Greece is the Word on that Friday. We also had the Dalias over for a carnival party.
Mike cleaned up the old car on Saturday in an attempt to get it ready to sell it. He has posted a listing on KSL accurately describing the problems that it has and offering it for just about a thousand bucks. As of yet we haven't had any serious buyers, so we might end up lowering the price or just donating it to that kidney program.
Last week on Monday we had another carnival party, and the only thing that I remember about it was that there were a whole bunch of cupcakes and toy ducks.
On Tuesday we went to the Poulson's house as well. Mike was feeling sick so he slept the whole time, however everyone else had a good time.
On Thursday Mike, Grandpa Mike, and Buck went over to the house to talk with a plumber/mechanical guy and we discussed having him do our plumbing and HVAC stuff. The guy seems to know his stuff and be nice, so if he gives us a good quote we'll probably go with it.
On Friday night Mike and Alison were invited to Johnny's wedding reception. For any of you who do not know Johnny is one of Alison's cousins. It was pretty fun. We ate cake drink lemonade and talked with a bunch of family members. We had to wait in the line for like 20 minutes which wasn't horribly long.
Mike has periodically been meeting with a therapist because he has not been feeling 100% himself recently, and she encouraged him to set aside time to do things that he likes to do. Because of this on Saturday Mike attempted to work on Timmy's website again, however, the attempt wasn't really successful since he couldn't focus on it much.
After that Caitlin and Sal and company came over to Grandma and Grandpa Mike and Sheila's house for a board game day. We had a lot of fun playing a lot of different games and eating and talking. So told us about the things he's been learning about trusts and we told them about things that have been happening in our lives recently. It is good to have good friends that you can talk with.
Mike and Sara have been sick this Sunday, so we mostly have been staying at home. The kids are excited to watch a Miyazaki movie that came out not too long ago about a heron or something like that, so we will probably be seeing that sometime soon.
This next week is most likely going to be getting ready for saltcon, which is on Thursday. We are super excited about that!
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