I Complain of Tibbs!

This week I worked more on my MOAR MOAI game. I played a four player game at lunch yesterday and it was very good. I have to change the rules again.

I am also working on a single player/multi player cooperative game entitled 'Roguelike'. It is not really ready at all, but I am still working on it.

Aunt Katie is visiting us this week. Mostly that means that the girls' play room is also her bedroom. Apparently when you are training to be a teacher you have to teach students some time.

We have been recently reading Peter Pan (That is, Alison and I have been). It is very funny. Way better than the Disney version.

I also read 'The Cyborg and the Sorcerers' a few nights ago. It is a short book about a cat. Ha ha! it is really exactly what it says on the cover. It was fun because I like books where people have to figure out loopholes in rules systems. One such situation was when he was talking to a computer that believed him to be dead and he said "Is there anything in your programming that says that I can't talk to you when I am dead?" and the computer said "no", so he made the computer answer his questions.

I recently discovered the Resistance: Avalon, which is exactly the same game as The Resistance, but played in an Arthurian setting and having some extra role cards. I might be playing it at lunch tomorrow. I will report on my gaming blog if I do.

As I wrote the start of this post Rea started screaming "go to sleep" at Sara (they are both supposed to be in bed). I had to tell her that Sara will go to sleep when Rea does.

One thing that Rea has really enjoyed recently is talking about the resurrection. For instance: we were playing at being lions and we ate a pig. Rea said that the pig will be ok because "Jesus will make the pig come back alive". Just today Alison said that Max stepped on a bug and Alison told him that we shouldn't step on bugs that are in the wilderness because it is their homes. Rea responded with "Don't be sad Mom. Remember the miracles Heavenly Father did?"

On last Friday we put on a play of Winnie the Pooh for our date night. Rea was Pooh, Sara was Piglet, I was Rabbit and Alison was Tigger. I complained of Tigger and the we lost him in the forest. It was so fun that Rea wanted to play it over and over.

Finally, On Sunday evening we made pasta with white sauce, chicken and and some of our frozen shaggy mane mushrooms. It was really good, but I couldn't write down a recipe (since it was just thrown together.) Perhaps next time we make it I will write down what we put in.


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