Friends? Friends?!?

Apparently we forgot to write a post last weekend, so this is a twofer.

That being said, we are not able to come up with too many things that happened that were not normal stuff.

Sara is done playing in The Lore of the Rings, since last night they put on the last showing of it, so if you wanted to see it, it is too late. We went to see her last performance, and we all agree that they did even better than their first one. Sara was incredible as Frollo and we are so proud of her. We all love the OBT, and are happy to have had our kids participate in one of their plays. 

Rea has been doing a lot of sewing - both making plushies for herself and helping her friend Rachel Waters make a seal for her twin cousin's baby blessing. Rachel wanted to make a stuffed animal for them, and wanted help the evening before they had to leave to go there. She had also never sewn anything from a pattern before and she was using minky, which is very difficult to sew with. Despite all the difficulties they were able to manage to finish sewing the project before the end of the evening.

Rea and Sara went to volunteer at the temple open house on Monday (but not this last Monday). They did shoe coverings for a few hours, and it was really cool and they had a lot of fun. They were also able to go through and see the temple because the next shift arrived early. They thought that it was very cool to be able to go inside and see the temple. We are going as a family later, but they are excited to go twice.

Last Saturday we also went to see a bunch of garage sales because Rea wanted to add that as her thing on our Saturday list of things to do. When we went out we ended up seeing three different garage sales, and Elsa was able to cute her way into getting free stuff at all of them except for one. We ended up buying new shoes for Gideon so that he could wear new shoes to church, and we also got some clothing for various people in the family, and Gideon got a gun and a giant teeter totter that was inflatable.

Sara's Lion King play also occurred this past week. Gideon cried practically the entire time because he could not get concessions. Despite that all of the actors did a good job and the play was very good. Sara and the other hyenas were excellent and obviously leaders in the group songs and dances. Her costume was really cool, too! Amy did her hair (Alison tried once, but we decided asking Amy to do it was a must better plan.)

On Thursday was the last day of Rea's CC and she did her final blue book exams. It was very fun. They did a test for each of their subjects and then had ice cream sundaes. They had to draw the world from memory and label every country and capital of every country from memory. That was very cool! We are going to frame her map and hang it up. Rea had a lot of fun, and she is sad that she will not see her classmates anymore. We're taking next year off CC and trying a different co-op that just offers electives. We'll see if we prefer that or if we go back to CC for high school.

Alison and Mike got invited to give a talk at church today. They didn't give us much advance notice, so we guess probably someone canceled last minute on them. Despite only having one day to prepare we still did pretty good and were able to fill up the time slot without running out of things to say. We got some compliments, so hopefully we said some things that helped people.

The video game Wobbly Life got an update recently. The update was around sewers, and Timmy is very excited about it. Timmy has been having a lot of fun doing all of the quests that revolve around going down into the sewers in the game. He also recently completed the King Kong quest where he got a banana thing that lets him shoot out bananas. He mentions that there are only three quests that he hasn't completed which he knows about in the game and that he finds it super fun and he has tons of clothing in the game and he can't wait for the police thing.

Elsa wants everyone to know that church was fun this week.


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